Re: [CH] On topic (2003 peppers list)

Love2Troll (
Thu, 27 Feb 2003 07:10:01 -0600

My 2003 list (so far)   Most have sprouted
Aji Colorado  
Aji Dulce
Aji Limon  
Aji Verde  
Arledge Heirloom 
Biker Billy Jalapeņo
Billy Goat  
Bolivian Rainbow  
Brazillian Starfish  
Bulgarian Carrot
Chile de Seda  
Congo Trinidad  
Costeno Amarillo 
Csereszyne Paprika   
De Arbol Purple  
Dedo de Moca  
Diente de Perro  
Gold Spike  
Hawaiian Sweet Hot  
Holland Red Hot Finger  
Lemon Drop  
Manzano Rojo  
Mexican Red 
Purple Jalapeņo
Pinguita de Monco  
Rocoto (orange)
Rocoto (red)
Rocoto (yellow)
Scotch Bonnet 
Serrano del Sol 
Thai Dragon

USDA seeds (all C. pubescens)   
Thank you, PaulK!  I mentioned you in my will.

PI 235048 
PI 355394 
PI 355811 
PI 355812 
PI 387838 
PI 497676 
PI 585259  
PI 585260 
PI 585261 
PI 585277
PI 590503 
PI 593616
PI 593617
PI 593619 
PI 593620
PI 593621
PI 593622
PI 593930 
PI 614001
Grif 9345   
Grif 9347

   Sweet Peppers:

Big Early Hy  
Orange Bell
Spanish Spice Hy

JohnT in the KC desert area

----- Original Message ----- 
From: Matthew Wallace 
Sent: Thursday, February 27, 2003 5:37 AM
Subject: [CH] On topic

Lets get back on topic.

What is everyone sprouting (in the Northern Hemisphere) and harvesting (in
the Southern Hemisphere? I would be interested to find out.
