RE: [CH] On topic

T. Matthew Evans (
Thu, 27 Feb 2003 10:30:23 -0500

Matt -

I have started 168 plants so far, with my germination rate currently around
60% -- I anticipate that this will increase to 90% or so (similar to last
year).  I have noticed that the seeds started in the small "72 per tray"
cells have fared much better (near 100% germination) than those in the
larger "48 per tray" cells.  I think that it is because my heating pads are
not warming the top of the soil as well in the larger cells - however, these
seeds are now beginning to sprout more readily, with 5 or 6 new plants each
day.  I think it will just take longer.

I plan to start another 72 cell tray tonight, adding about 15 varieties to
the 56 that I have already planted (thanks, seed traders).


T. Matthew Evans
Research Assistant
Geosystems Group, School of CEE
Georgia Institute of Technology

-----Original Message-----
[]On Behalf Of Matthew Wallace
Sent: Thursday, February 27, 2003 6:38 AM
Subject: [CH] On topic

Lets get back on topic.

What is everyone sprouting (in the Northern Hemisphere) and harvesting (in
the Southern Hemisphere? I would be interested to find out.
