Re: [CH] The Moderate Bandwagon!

Sandy Olson (
Sat, 1 Mar 2003 08:14:04 -0600

Okay, you artist types!  We have several workable ideas, who can pull them
together?  I have heard from 6 avowed moderates, plus Erich and me.  Who
else out there...of more than 1500 people on this brave enough to
admit he/she doesn't like to have ability to breathe eliminated, knees
turned to jelly, bowels quiver, face look like a tomato?  We know you're out know who you are?

Who else is interested in buying, wearing and flaunting the moderate banner
on a t-shirt?  Remember, neither Eric nor I make anything from these sales
and the people who have offered to help will do it at cost 'cause they're
goooood ChileHeads!

CH #1146