[CH] Seeds Are Soaking

RisaG (radiorlg@yahoo.com)
Wed, 12 Mar 2003 18:51:09 -0800 (PST)

Well, I finally started my seed starting today. I am
so happy. Right now I have 14 varieties of chiles
soaking in a tea solution. Tomorrow I will drain them
well, dry them off and plant them in soilless mixture.
I can't wait. I have cleaned & sanitized my window
greenhouses. I bought new seed starter mixture at
Wal-Mart this past weekend and I have all my seeds
organized and ready.

I can't wait to see which variety is the first to

Thanks to all for the responses to my potting
question. I will plant most in pots and see what
happens. I have planted in pots before, in fact at
least 2 plants are put in pots every summer but I will
have much more this year in pots. I am never that
successful at big yields in pots. I have some
varieties that did though - Yatsafusa, Ring of Fire,
Bolivian Rainbow, Pequin, to name a few. We'll see
what happens later this year.

RisaG, happy in Zone 6, NJ

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