Re: [CH] Growing in the UK

Tony Flynn (
Tue, 1 Apr 2003 08:15:35 +1200

If you make a frame as described. Dig in a good thick layer of fresh horse
manure, and you will have a "hot frame" to plant your young plants in. Try
looking at or any gardening site.

Tony Flynn

Grandad. Retired at the beach. Bay of Plenty. New Zealand
----- Original Message -----
From: "Dave Drum" <>
To: "Timothy Coggins" <>; <>
Sent: Tuesday, April 01, 2003 2:57 AM
Subject: Re: [CH] Growing in the UK

> At 03:28 PM 3/31/2003 +0100, Timothy Coggins wrote:
> >Hi Everyone,
> >
> >I've been lurking on this list since last December. I've given up the
> >hunt of trying to find a place in the UK that sells Habaneros (well,
> >Oxfordshire anyway:) so I've decided to grow some of my own. I am a
> >gardening novice and I would be grateful if anyone can help out on the
> >following points:
> >

> >
> >2. I'm looking to find a very small greenhouse, about a meter high and a
> >meter long to grow them in, any recomendations?
> I can't answer your region specific queries - but, I can help on the
> greenhouse. Visit demolition contractors (the type who pull down houses)
> and see if you can't get some old, used windows at a good price. Cobble
> them together with a minimal framework and a few hinges and..... voila:
> instant greenhouse. Actually if there is no heating it will be a cold
> - but, if it works for you call it what you like.   <GGG>

> Uncle Dirty Dave's Kitchen
> Home of Hardin Cider & Yaaaaa Hoooo Ahhhhh Hot Sauce!!!

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