RE: [CH] Biker Billies Hybrids?

Ces (
Mon, 21 Apr 2003 21:32:49 -0400

I may try to save Biker Billy seeds this year. Truthfully I have no use for
more than 3 or 4 plants a year so I'm still on my original pack of 30 seeds
purchased from Burpee a few years back. I did save seeds from the hot lemon
and fatalli plants, I originally bought the seeds from pepperjoe which
charged around $3 for 10 or 15 seeds.


-----Original Message-----
[]On Behalf Of Margaret
Sent: Monday, April 21, 2003 11:28 AM
Subject: [CH] Biker Billies Hybrids?

Are Biker Billies truly hybrids?  IIRC the story originally was that a
biker came into a Burpee store and said "you ought to be growing
these."  He was asked his name, and he said "Billy."  Burpees people
harvested the seeds and started the line.  Now if that was true, it was an
open pollinated chile.  Burpees are claiming it's a hybrid.  Sure, because
if it is, saving seeds and planting them out would make getting fruit
probably unlike the parent.  You have to buy new seeds (from Burpees) every
year if it's a hybrid. But if it is open pollinated, you would stand a good
chance of getting the same chile from saving your own seeds.  Has anyone
(except me) tried this?  I have seedlings from self-saved seeds and I think
Marc Winterburn does too (from my seeds), but have not yet produced
fruits.  Margaret L