Re: [CH] Pure Cap - in hard candy????

John Caldwell (
Wed, 30 Apr 2003 16:38:46 -0700

I've experimented with it... lets just say that about five drops of the
stuff was enough to make it so that a big bowl of chili was completely
inedible.  I can tolerate a lot of heat, to give you some idea.  How big is
the batch of candy you're making?  I would probably say to use no more than
a couple of drops per pound of candy.  What kind of chile were you thinking
of using a 1/4 tsp of?  Unless it's something really hot then the equivalent
volume of pure cap would be something on the order of what would stick to
the end of a toothpick.

One thing to be concerned with is adding the cap too early in the process.
Heat will destroy capsaicin, so I would probably wait to add the stuff until
the very end.. of course, that's usually how you make candy anyways. :)

----- Original Message -----
From: "Ted Wagner" <>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, April 30, 2003 4:51 AM
Subject: [CH] Pure Cap - in hard candy????

> Ok, here's a good one.  Who of you out there has experimented with Pure
> Cap in hard candy recipes?
> I want to make a chile pepper candy for my father's birthday in
> December...I have plenty of time to experiment.  If anyone has
> experimented with Pure Cap, let me know.  I've got a few hard candy
> recipes, but I don't want to overload it.  I also though about puree'd
> chiles...1/4 tsp would probably do.
> Thanks
> Ted
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