Re: [CH] Best time for transplanting

The NorthEast ChileMan (
Mon, 2 Jun 2003 21:49:45 -0400

The weatherman I watched this morning reported there was 22 days of rain &
26 days of clouds in the NE during the 31 days of May.
   So what was that bright orb that shined in, what color was the sky? Oh
Yea, BLUE! And SUNSHINE!!!! The list members in the SW with the heat wave
have no idea how cold, damp & dwery it's been for the last 2 months. I can
only hope blossom drop ain't been to bad as I'm still growing leggy
seedlings indoors. May consider putting in 1 bead this weekend & see how it
----- Original Message -----
From: "Babs Woods" <>
Sent: Sunday, 01 June, 2003 8:40 PM
Subject: Re: [CH] Best time for transplanting

>         Pods,
> > Date: Fri, 30 May 2003 15:45:24 -0700 (PDT)
> > From: RisaG <>
> > Subject: Re: [CH] Best time for transplanting
> >
> > I find planting out after it hits 60 degrees at night
> > preferable. Sometimes I can't do that and it takes a
> > lot longer for my chiles to harvest.
> >
> > I find the colder temps cause the chiles to halt
> > budding and flowering.
> >
> > I am going to plant out next week, after it stops
> > raining again. I am sooooo sick of rain.
> >
> > RisaG, Zone 6, NJ
> >
> Oh, Risa!  You're such an optimist!  I haven't even been able to till
> my garden to get it ready for the seeds I haven't even tried to get
> going (it was too cold and snowy forever, then too cold and rainy
> forever).  All my reading has shown that you really shouldn't till a
> marsh, you know?  (We're in Central Tax Hell, known to some of you as
> Central Mass.)  If we manage to grow nothing else this season, we're
> shooting for growing habaneros indoors at least.  My chinchis and
> habaneros have cohabited too long, so I'm no longer sure what to call
> the chinchis.  Habchis?  Chinbaneros?  They now grow yellow or orange,
> habanero colours, instead of their proper red.  I figure on planting
> some indoors and seeing what they do this generation.  We're still
> getting nights in the 40s here.  There's little hope of getting the
> garden ready in time to have anything ripe by the end of the summer.
> We had a real gully washer last night, too.  I don't *think* the
> garden has washed down the hill, yet...
>                                 -babs