Marilyn (
Sat, 21 Jun 2003 23:09:09 -0700

I'd say about half of the population are "chile-heads", but a lot of them
don't join mailing lists.  I take treats into the office every once in a
while.  Everyone knows that if I brought it, it's gonna be hot.  Half of
them eat it, the other half says "no thank you".

But, I wonder if there is something to this blood type thing.  My father
loved hot foods, and my brother also seeks the heat.  My mother won't let
anything hot touch her tongue, and my sister has never been known to add any
heat to her food, and searches for the mild salsa at a restaurant.  I am
type O.  Mother and sister are type A, so Dad must have been an O.  Can't
ask him, he's dead (but, if you knew my mother you'd know that there was no
way she messed around, so the O came from Dad).  Brother says he doesn't
know what type he is.  (Hello!  Doesn't everyone know their blood type?)
But, I'm guessing he's an O like me.


(                                                             )
See!  That space really is blank!

--- Original Message -----
From: "Fred Morris" <>
To: "Chileheads" <>
Sent: Saturday, June 21, 2003 8:51 PM

> Have more and more heads just now found this list, or
> are we growing in numbers so fast that we will soon
> outnumber the so called "normal" members of society.
> Fred the habaneronut