Re: [CH] K.I.S.S.

tucker (
Sun, 22 Jun 2003 13:05:06 -0500

Alex Silbajoris wrote:

> Since my step-daughter is a fussy eater, often I'm left with half a batch of
> something like ordinary macaroni and cheese.
> (Mind you, it must be just one certain brand.)
> So how can I redeem such a bowl of blandness?  Half a dozen shaker jars jump
> up and down in my cabinet, shouting ME!!  ME!!
> I usually go with some kind of smoked pepper powder, but from mac-and-cheese
> as a starting point, I could also go toward flake red pepper with dried
> herbs....
> - A

  I'll occasionally toss a small frozen mac and cheese in the nuker for a quick, light lunch
on a Saturday or Sunday.  I used to just sprinkle in some crushed red, but lately have found
that a little crushed red, mixed with some Penzy's Chipotle, gives a nice rich flavor, and a
little more interesting burn.  The dried herbs sounds like an interesting proposition
also...  Maybe next time...

  Moderation doesn't preclude experimentation.   ;-)))

C-H # 2099 & First Lieutenant of the Moderate Corps