Re: [CH] Red Savina Garlic Sauce

Uncle Dirty Dave (
Tue, 24 Jun 2003 13:33:39 -0500

----- Original Message -----
From: Alex Silbajoris <>

> >Saaaaay, maybe that's it. You're not drinking heavily whilst consuming
> >chilies, are you?   <GGGG>
> In my liquor cabinet, I have a "fifth" type bottle similar to a liquor
> bottle, but containing Phillipino spiced vinegar, with chiles and other
> spices.  A person could make quite a mistake pouring from the wrong
> BTW if you haven't tried that kind of product, it is a fast and easy way
> turn an ordinary ramen soup into hot-and-sour.

I use Taco Sloppo "hot" sauce packets in Maruchan Shrimp Noodles -- two or
three of the chopped and pureed "Yo quiero Taco Bell" Chihuahua marinade
does much the same thing. Not really hot, even for a moderate like me. But,

I may have to road trip to get some more packets soon. All the local Sign of
the Bug-eyed Dog stores closed mysteriously about 6 weeks ago. Top five
reason speculated about were:

 5. Francisee was a doctor and read the part of the Hypocratic Oath that
says "First, do no harm."

 4. Closed for Spring Cleaning and the roaches aren't back from the

 3. Owner made too msny trips to Las Vegas

 2. INS nailed all the help and sent them back to S.E. Asia

And the consensus pick for the real reason all the Taco Bells in
Springfield, IL closed ............

 1. The dog's license ran expired.

Home of Yaaaaa Hooooo Aaahhh!!! HOT SAUCE and Hardin Cider