RE: [CH] THE question

Frank J. Hashek (
Fri, 11 Jul 2003 16:31:53 -0500

Hey, we are almost all moderate.  Some of us just drwa the line in a
different place.  After all, who slathers their morning toast with
Blue skies and hot chiles,

-----Original Message-----
[]On Behalf Of Sandy Olson
Sent: Friday, July 11, 2003 3:51 PM
To: ChileHeads
Subject: Re: [CH] THE question

Oh Ye Of Little heart remains true to the moderate movement but
perhaps MY  has been a bit in the direction of the death eaters, which I
have always considered the "left".  We moderates (read: conservatives with
regard to peppers) are the "right".

I know with that J. Campbell sauce in my fridge, calling out my name ( it
was wonderful in my scrambled eggs this a.m.) I will be tempted to abandon
my moderate stance now and again.  But...have no fear, Erich and others..I
will continue to hold the banner high, just not quite AS high!  I haven't
laid in my supply of Depends and don't intend to.  Bring on those meatballs,
Scott KCK

CH #1146 and Grand Poobah of the Moderate Corps