Just got back from New Mexico where I had the pleasure of meeting another couple of nice list folks (are there any other kind?)- the Abernathy's from Albquerque. Unfortunately, Raven couldn't meet us & neither could Jody & Shari Baze (old timers will remember Jody). Definitely counted as one of the highlights of the trip. Had a good meal at the Guadalupe Cafe (Santa Fe on Old Santa Fe Trail). Had another great chile laced meal just outside of Albuquerque in Cedar Ridge at a little hole-in-the-wall called 'Chilipenos'. Probably the second best meal of the trip! Best one was at the Sunset Grill in Moab, UT but it wasn't chile related. Another good one was had in Sedona, AZ (we got around a bit ;-). Biggest dissapointment was the High Finance atop Sandia Peak. Great view but LOUSY AWFUL food. Sigh... I was warned so my expectations weren't too high and they STILL managed to disappoint. Soon as I recover from driving 5,000 miles in 10 days (including a non-stop 19 hour drive back from Albuquerque last night) I'll think it's great to be back :-) -Jim C Mild to Wild(R)