RE: [CH] Old Timer Question

Michael Bowers (
Tue, 08 Jun 1999 10:02:04 PDT

>I'm old but not this did "Hunan Hand" get its

	While the various urban legends may be more entertaining,
	it's actually the name of a recognized medical syndrome...

	I believe this is the defining paper; I don't remember if the 
	patient was a chef or not (I do think he worked in a restaurant

1. Williams SR; Clark RF; Dunford JV.
     Contact dermatitis associated with capsaicin: Hunan hand syndrome [see
   Annals of Emergency Medicine, 1995 May, 25(5):713-5.

Abstract: "Hunan hand" is a contact dermatitis resulting from the direct
    handling of chili peppers containing capsaicin. Capsaicin also is found in
    an over-the-counter topical agent for treatment of postherpetic neuralgia,
    diabetic neuropathy, and arthritis. We present the case of a patient with
    capsaicin-induced dermatitis and discuss the pathophysiology, therapy, and
    current uses of capsaicin.

Michael Bowers			  Internet:
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