Hi C-Hs, Scot Ashkenaz wrote: >I got up the courage to look closely >enough to see that they are paper wasps; How very interesting. I have been holding my tongue and watching the various advice given to you. Now I am ready to add my tuppence worth and admit to some very "un-Jain like" behaviour. We also have large numbers of wasps and hornets of various kinds. I became tired of flopping down on a chair after a hard session of pepper tending only to be stung in the back by an unseen hornet. So, I instigated a campaign of erradication over a four year period, using long range hornet aerosols, swatters, my pepper singeing blowtorch or anything else I could think of (and I can be quite creative!) I was completely unsuccessful in these efforts, and staring gloomily at my favorite C. pubescens one day, I was amazed to notice that these same hornets were climbing in and out of the purple blossoms with considerable vigour. That year I had a bumper crop of these, my favorite pods. >So far, I have not seen them molesting the peppers, which they are close to. I cannot imagine that their activity is restricted to one species of C.'s ; so you might want to observe any pollination activity on your peppers. This may be of marginal benefit to common self-pollinating C. annuums, but in the case of peppers which are reluctant to set fruit without assistance, it is a huge benefit. A further note which may be of use. These creatures also need a supply of water in order to construct their nests. The catchment trays for excess water, in which my pepper plant pots stand is a considerable attraction to them and focuses their attention nicely on the blossoms. You may want to consider a source of water next to your plants. --- Regards, Cameron.