[CH] Blossom drop from potted poblanos?

Vicki Hvid (vhvid@home.com)
Thu, 01 Jul 1999 11:45:18 -0700

Hi list -

My first try at pots of chiles seem to look fine (3-4', bushy dark green
leaves) but the blossoms open, a pepper nub gets started, and then the
stem dries up and the pepper drops off the plant.

I'm watering them every other day or so, whenever the leaves start to
look wilted, and will give them a splash of Miracle Gro (tomato type)
every week or so.

I'm in BC where we are still having a ghastly cold wet grey spring.  Is
this a sign of lack of light?  The red bells next to them on the
windowsill are happily producing small peppers with the same treatment.

Any clues are welcome - 
