Well, Risa.....dunno how practical this may be for you, specially in a new community, but I have read a couple of places, that you do what the animals do to mark your territory but of course this would have to be done in the dark of night, but this one writer swears that it works, so he went out and urinated all around his property line! Man, if he had half an acre, he sure would have had to drink a lotta sompin!!! Beer? Tea? Like the native American who drank so much tea, that he drowned in his own teepee!!!(boo hiss) Anyway, if it works for the animals, it should work for humans as well, and according to this one so called expert, it worked for him. Never tried it myself, but my son in law also swears that it works. Boy oh boy, will we get a new thread going with that one???It is on topic, if it keeeps the critters away from your chiles! Cheers, Doug in BC