A few additions to the You Know You're A Chile Head If listing: 345. You have posted a request for 4 metric tons of capsaicin solution. 346. You have engaged in knock-down drag-out flame wars over the ingredients in your bug spray. 347. You engage in serious studied debate as to the best type of pee to use to repel critters from your chile patch. 348. You have the equivalent of a masters degree in the knowledge of the conditions underwhich botulin will grow. 349. You've sought grief counselling over the news of the problems with the 1999 Hatch chile crop. 350. You can recite the timeline of the ownership of Chile Pepper Magazine from memory. Check out the full listing at: http://www.exit109.com/~mstevens/ykyaci.html =Mark "Runs With Scissors" Stevens @ http://www.exit109.com/~mstevens @ @ ICQ# 2059548 @ Where ya' from? Jersey. Yeah? What exit?