[CH] Re: Habanaro Salsa

Myron Menaker (myronm@bellsouth.net)
Thu, 22 Jul 1999 08:03:04 -0400

Just home from California for about a week now and already wish I were
back there! I loaded up at Trader Joe's and the 99ยข Stores, but my "best
find" were the Mezzetta "Olives in Habanero Sauce" from Cost-Plus. You
C-H'ers out west have to try those! Popped one in my mouth...."ZINGO!"
Hot...hot...hot! Also found Tabasco "Habanero" sauce at the
"Food-4-Less" stores. Have not seen it in Florida.

Myron in Florida

PS Yes, Randy....they'll be at the next mid-Florida "Sizzler!" (if you

Shantihhh@aol.com wrote:
> Just got home from Trader Joe's and they now have a private label Habanero
> Salsa.  It's quite fiery--especially after several loaded chips.  It's a bit
> watery for my taste.  Also picked up a Fire Roasted Salsa made by Las
> Fortunitas at COSTCO.  It has that wonderful smoky flavor and the heat is
> just right NOW that I kicked up a notch w/Jim's Applewood Smoked Habanero
> powder.  Fresh chiles would be great as well, but this was a quick fix.  Geez
> now I don't want to fix dinner. <g>

Myron Menaker                      Daytona Beach FL USA
myronm@bellsouth.net     |    
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Here's to the sun God, He sure is a fun God, Ra, Ra, Ra!   