[CH] Directions and a chance to shine..

Fri, 20 Aug 1999 10:00:10 -0500

If anyone was left off or wants directions, to SE Ohio Canal Winchester Hot
Luck,  (Sept 18) email me, tell me where from...

Since there are so many fine chile head cooks, someone may be interested in:


I have full details, and will email if anyone is interested, in essence, it is a
mail in recipe contest for any course (appetizer to dessert), prepared on a
grill,featuring an "Asian" flavor (a great way to use up excess chiles and fish
sauce, not to mention practicing with chop sticks made from the material of your
preference), grand prize a trip to Thailand and Hong Kong, other prizes all
Weber Grills...

Deadline is October 25, 1999. Plenty of time! Note: I don't work for Weber, the
Thai tourist board or any other sponsor.. I only know about it because it was in
our local paper and I plan to enter...