Just wondering how many people in the MN/WI area went to Hudson's (WI) "Pepper Festival" this weekend - my sister told me there was a parade, lots of Italian foods and plenty of peppers - any comments from the 'real' Chili-Heads? Sharen Rund Bloechl Lockheed Martin Enterprise Information Systems Sunnyvale Data Center sharen.rund.bloechl@lmco.com Phone: 408-756-5432 [or] Fax: 408-756-0912 srund@svl.ems.lmco.com LMnet: 8-326-5432 Pager: 408-539-5146 web: http://webpager.lmms.lmco.com/perl/mtrocall.cgi [or] Operator Assist: 1-800-725-5079, pin 408-539-5146