Here is a thought for you. This spring I purchased from Stokes Seeds a pkg of Scotch Bonnets. Selling price was $1.95, All seeds were guarenteed to be disease free. All seed germinated, all plants and pods were true to form and color. There was 129 seeds in that package. Less than .02 per seed. I also started some Seranno seeds from them that were 5 years old, got 11 out of 12 that germinated at less than .02 per seed. I also purchased from pepper gal about 15 seeds for $1.50, about .10 per seed 6 varieties 5 out of the 6 were mislabeled. 50% of the White habs were immature seeds, less than 50% germination. I year before that I purchased 6 pkg of seeds from Totally Tomatoes a special ave price 1.50 for 20 seeds had 4 seed borne diseases. Cost me about $1,000 to recover from that. I also purchased from NK seeds some Red Savinas, 2 out of the 6 were off color, 1 had an off shape pod on whole plant, the other 3 are true. I purchased some Caribbean Reds from Johnny's seeds, Organic, .05 per seed true plant, pods and color. 100% germination. and disease free. Price don't mean squat, it's the quality of vendor, in this bus.. My most expensive seeds were the worst. The worst is the 4 months later when you know you haven't got what you ordered ~~Right JC ?? ~~ Byron