Re: [CH] Chile-Heads Digest V6 #57

Bret (
Thu, 16 Sep 1999 23:01:39 -0700

> From: Roy Stiel
> I am if nothing else a fare man.
Okay Danny, pay the man.

> From: Bradley A. Halldin
> Does anyone have a recipe for making "hot" pickles or green beans?
Equal parts water and white vinegar. Peppercorns, salt and sugar 
to taste. TASTE that is. Herbs are up to you.
Just put up 4 quarts of spicy vegetables yesterday (bite sized 
pieces of red and green jalapenos, red cherry peppers, green bells, 
cauliflower, carrots, green beans, turnips, cabbage, mushrooms 
and of course garlic). I added a little extra sugar because I LIKE 
sugar. About 30 peppercorns for the whole batch. Blanched the 
veggies in the liquid for about 5 minutes, filled the sterilized jars, 
sealed and processed for 15 minutes.
Now I don't THINK they'll kill me, but I won't know for sure for a 
couple weeks. If my messages stop abruptly following the grand 
opening report.....  Well, I'll die happy.

> From: Roy Stiel'
> As Thomas Jefferson believed
Thomas Jefferson is, as this feud should be, dead.

> From: Cameron Begg
> >        Quote only the relevant portion of the message you are replying to.
Got it.
> >        If it doesn't have to do with peppers at all it doesn't belong on the
> >        list.
Got it.
> Category two, the "Me too!" or "I second that" brigade
I second that!
> Thank you for reading this far. All puns intended.

> From: Roy Stiel
> >From my pscyh classes I recall the term for
> these types are "neurotics".
Takes all kinds to make the world go 'round. Sociopaths, 
schizophrenics, delusionists, fatalists, neurotics, phsychotics and 
the occasional fanatic. And that's just the Chile-Heads!
> Note: forwarded message attached.
Now THAT is getting annoying. Attach a good recipe or something 
instead of all that e-mail header crap. Got any good uses for the 
red jalepenos in my freezer and ripening on my plants?

> From: Suzanne
> Well here is a note on my Peter Pepper comparison test.
> ....the plant with blue fertilizer has peppers that are
> well....more endowed shall I say?
I thought that was the main claim of Miracle Gro. Not that it makes 
the plants bigger necessarily, but the fruits and/or vegetables 

It's the bumpy roads that take you to the most interesting 
Hot and happy cooking from the Banana Belt,

"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea."
Robert A. Heinlein