In the process of trying to figure out how to get a Phytosanitary Certificate, I talked with the Nevada Agriculture Dept. guy who handles seed inspection and also is responsible for the Organic Certification Program. I asked him if seeds treated with chorine or tri-sodium phosphate would be okay for organic produce. Here's what he said: 1. "Check locally because there is no national Organic Cert. program." 2 "Treated seeds can be used when there is no available substitute." He mentioned alfalfa as an example. 3. "Chlorine is approved for cleaning food handling equipment in an organic food processing operation." 4. "Since the seeds are being used to produce a plant and are not being consumed, I wouldn't have a problem certifying plants grown from them as organic." This is not intended to re-start the organics vs. inorganics war which flares up here occasionally:-) Dave Anderson Tough Love Chile Co.