The Ohio (First Annual) HotLuck is now but a pleasant memory, but a memory filled with friends, food, and challenge. There were four certified (or is that certifiable) Chile-Heads in the crowd: Cameron, Alex, our hostess Cheryl, of course, and yours truly, JC the O. Only a few of the other guests wouldn't try anything, most are budding C-Hs who sampled a bit of this and that. My cousin Deb says she still has no skin on her tongue from a tiny nibble of "the Bread'. But then I had taken a bite and didn't want to be the only one there with tears of joy in my eyes. Jim Campbell, the Elder, had sent a rousing array of bottles and they were given great attention by the crowd. The BackDraft was given a place of honor, and when I left it was still chaste and unopened. Lou had prepared a leg of lamb, and it was yummers with Fiery Hot Hab Sauce - and with Ralph's Righteous. Cameron had several unpronounceable (at least with these hearing aids) delicacies, and I'm sure many of us will want to try them if he can be persuaded to part with the recipes. As I was being dragged, weeping and pouting, away to the van, Alex was still in the midst of preparing his treats, and I regret that I had to leave too soon to try them. Cheryl and Lou had outdone themselves, with the lamb, a pepper soup, a variety of salsas, local wines, and a strange beverage called Rolling Rock. The only disastrous voyage on the Sea of Hot, was by a teenager who poo-pooed the old-timers that tried to warn him about 'The Bread'. After one goodly bite of the bread, he abandoned his meal and never returned. If you missed it, try harder next year. I'm sure it will be even better. Yours aye, JC the Other. Tell me what you eat and I will tell you what you are! Brillat-Savarin