Good Afternoon fellow ChileHeads! *announcement* Well, in a few short weeks, there'll be a new 4-pawed addition to my family. And since dogs and peppers are two of my favorite things in life, I thought it would be way cool to name the new furkid after a spice, a pepper or a sauce... Anybody got any ideas? Not sure if we're getting a male or a female, but I figure spices could go either route! This puppy is black now, but may or may not lighten to silver as time goes by. If I had been able to find a red that I liked, the name woulda been Savina, TM or not! I'm tossing around Saffron (neat name for a poodle, don't ya think?) but can't imagine opening the back door and yelling "C'mon Saffron!" Well if y'all think of a really cool name for me, I'd so much appreciate it! Peace, Peppers and Puppybreath! Valerie