[CH] white flies

Chet Bacon (chet@chetbacon.com)
Sun, 26 Sep 1999 14:51:28 -0400

Aargh - white flies
The white fly envasion is in CT, at least where we are.  First was
tomatoes.. no problem.. a bit of spray here and there seemed (seemed) to
knock them down (wife's tomatoes).  About 3 days ago they hit again,
must have layed eggs and the newbies hatched.. damn lot of them now! 
Well the straw that broke the camel's back was they envaded MY pepper
Having remembered some suggestions from the list (hey, a great feat for
someone who only has two brain cells left) I went in search of some
sticky/goo (get back there you knuckle draggers!).  Finally found some
at our local nursery, called tangle foot.   Seems you spread it on trees
to catch crawling worms and thingies.  I spread some on yellow plastic
strips about 3" wide and 6" long and hung them next to the peppes and
'matoes.. damn it worked!
In fact the white flies jumped to that sticky stuff like there was a
convention of Republicans canidates kissing babies for the camera.  
In a matter for seconds there were hundreds stuck.. works great!
Now for the systemic granules to kill off those eggs..

I'll let the list knows how that goes..


* Chet Bacon   KA1ILH     |           Okay, who put a             *
* PO Box 284              |         "stop payment" on my          * 
* Southington, CT 06489   |             reality check?            *
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* chet@chetbacon.com      | http://www.chetbacon.com              *
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* Viva Bultaco Viva Bultaco Viva Bultaco Viva Bultaco Viva Bultaco*
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