Re: [CH] Neurotics, powders and White Castle

Valerie (
Tue, 28 Sep 1999 00:30:49 -0500

Had   to   respond   to   the   W h i t e   C a s t l e ...

Is there anyone on the list who wasn't weaned on White Castle
but who was exposed to them later in life and likes them? They
don't HAVE White Castle in New England (that I'm aware of anyway)
and upon my arrival in St Louis last summer, the locals said "Ya
gotta go to White Castle! So one night, packed up the family and
off we went to try White Castle burgers. They're ummmm.. different!
My kids call em "yuckyburgers" and when they won't eat what's put
in front of them at dinnertime, I threaten them with "Tomorrow
I'll get you White Castle for dinner" That usually does it! :)
However, I have found one very good use for them! After spending
much of an evening with friends in The Beer Tent, they insisted
that we pick up some "sliders"(?) on the way home. I'm told I
ate two of them! And had no "post alcohol side effects the next day!
Good enough reason to eat them *next time*

Another thing I'm NOT getting used to out here is Imo's Pizza. Even
Calvn's can't resurrect that stuff... 
Peace and Peppers!

Parkhurst, Scott Contractor wrote:
> White Castle purists would insist that nothing (hot sauces
> included) should be allowed to  "contaminate" the
> redydrated-onion/greasy-burger flavor.

aka: Breeze
ICQ# 3953329