Since it will be an annual event and since I KNOW so many people here will come up with really great names, I suggest a main title such as "Indianhabolis Habalanche" and then have a subtitle that changes yearly such as: Indianhabolis Habalanche 1999 -- Field of Dreams Indianhabolis Habalanche 2000 -- Chilennium Fest Indianhabolis Habalanche 2001 -- Millenium Chilennium Fest Indianhabolis Habalanche 2002 -- Hab-itat for Humanity Indianhabolis Habalanche 2003 -- The Hab-pening Indianhabolis Habalanche 2004 -- Pick-a-Pepper etc. Then we all can get T-shirts each year with the new name for our collections - "Collect All 100 and Get Your Personalized Habaholics Annonymous Commemorative Decade Mug"... Deb in Houston (always thinkin') Jim wrote: <<As we as a list have had success naming things in the past (knuckledraggers, nuerotics, and puppy dogs :-), and as I have no imagination, suggestions are appreciated. So far we have (courtesy of Alex S): Habalanche, and Hab-itat for Humanity. Bill 'the lurker' Jernigan suggests 'Field of Dreams'. Any others?>>