All, The buy part is over! 17 people have ordered 36 10-lb boxes of red savinas and 9 10-lb boxes of franciscas. That's 170 lbs. more than last year. Rob Lusk & Dan Hirschi in S. Cal. [Mary Garcia has only heard from Dan], please keep me informed on your pickup at Driscoll's cooler in Oxnard. You can contact Angel Lopez, the mgr. there 8AM=>6PM, M=F at 805.488.0034 Both he and the Garcias know to set aside 3(RL) +1(DH) boxes savinas 2(RL) + 1(DH) boxes fransciscas for you. As for the 15 N. Cal. buyers, all pickups will be at Grey Bears. Let me know the time you want to pick up your order. 831.724.7204 So far, Larry B. will be picking up (for Nagaraj M.) 1PM, Th, 10/14; Constance A. will be picking up 11AM, Sa, 10/16. My son, Allen, will be at Grey Bears Sa, 10/16 & Su, 10/17 from 11AM=>1PM but please call/email me first so we know what to expect. So far it looks like Grey Bears is going to get ~$350 (after ~$115 in expenses) Thanks again to everyone for making this happen. Art Pierce