If I was trying to spam as this poster "was".. I would have used a Bot and and at least had the decency to strip the Ozzie members from the list.. FWIW I Visited the site/ Suggestions are to find a new "importer-or-source" for Cholula sauce as I saw a 69c US$ tag on a bottle in Orlando FL (IHOP) (I was the End User) last year.. This should make it worth AUD "No More" than "$3.50", allowing for freight and a fair margin of profit.. I won't tell the list what the price it was offered at this site was..(I'd be too embarrassed) FWIW: Fed Ex ships my brother @$3.00 US per kilogram sent friday PM from Newport Beach CAL -thru Asia Cleared thru customs and delivered to his offices SYDNEY Tuesday AM- between 35-70 Kg weekly.. It could be a hellova lota bottles of Sauce..@ 15% import duty ?? Luke in Oz