Re: [CH] Terminator seeds
Wed, 13 Oct 1999 09:24:33 EDT

<< In a message dated 10/99 10:44:17 PM Eastern Daylight Time, writes:
 << >>
 Satan is the right name.
 "The need for companies to protect and gain a return on their investments in 
agricultural innovation is real. Without this return, we would no longer be 
able to continue developing new products growers have said they want. 
Monsanto holds patents on technological approaches to gene protection that do 
not render seeds sterile and has studied one that would inactivate only the 
specific gene(s) responsible for the value-added biotech trait."  - Shapiro 
of Monsanto
 Added by me - So, even if the companies through cross-pollination, cause all 
seeds to lose some genetic traits (heat in chiles, for ex.) or become sterile 
altogether, it's OK because the companies have a right to protect their 
genetic innovation?  No mention of killing Monarch butterflies or of the 
possibility of creeping "Terminator" from third world experiments.
 Perhaps the United Nations finally has an issue besides armed conflict to 
bring to our nightly news?
 Gareth the ChileKnight