We hit 31 F and scattered snow is predicted for next day. 12,000 wall-o-waters is a bit pricey, as is 3 miles of extension cord and 2,000 heat lamps, so I'm done harvesting for the season. Not that many are probably interested, but this years crop (despite reports from the open fields) was pretty much a disaster. Everything was SLOW to ripen (lack of water?) despite good temps and lots of sunshine. We'd been dry for so long that when we finally did get rain these last couple of weeks, everything swelled and broke. Despite doubling the number of Habs from last year, harvest was down 50%. I've canned 3,000 lbs of habs (600 gallons) with about that much more of all other varieties frozen. Not very much.... Everything is relative isn't it? :-) -Jim C MWPH Time to make bread again :-)