[CH] ughhhh!!!!

Wed, 20 Oct 1999 15:47:31 EDT


Paul Borsland, 
"closet chili heads who really do want the mild"
That would be chilE-heads, and I don't know of a single one.  The point seems 
to be one of having a nerdophile kitchen where there's no heat (as in Harry 
Truman's 'if you can't stand the heat...' ), or a warm snowball that won't 
hurt the dainty pinkies.  
As long as these abominations never cross pollinate, I couldn't care less.  
Non-stick fly paper on your research agenda?  Or shineless shoe unpolish?  
Why not go all out and develop a smokeless Chipotle?  We already have tepid 
coffee thanks to one lawsuit, pignoli-less pesto thanks to another.  Soon the 
modern business mind will pull the crushed red pepper off the tables in 
Italian restaurants or turn to you to replace it with red confetti.
Ughhhh-ly yours,
Gareth Lynch
Gareth the ChilEknight