Walking out east from my car to pick Sandias & Big Jims; peach trees in the background (gratuitous VTA-coffeemug & teddy). http://www.chilegod.com/joes/01image.jpg Looking SE over the southern half the 7.5 acres (undried ink transferred from back of previous picture). http://www.chilegod.com/joes/02image.jpg Looking east over the northern half of the 7.5 acres (mystic sky-writing). http://www.chilegod.com/joes/04image.jpg Looking northeast over the northern half of the 7.5 acres; peach trees are in the background (more UFO traces in the sky). http://www.chilegod.com/joes/07image.jpg Looking north up a row of ripe chiles. http://www.chilegod.com/joes/09image.jpg Sunglare in lower left and looking SSEast at Joe, whose shoulder is holding up his office building; the sign immediately above his left shoulder, which matches the one where their driveway meets CA 88, reads CHAVEZ CHILES ROASTING. http://www.chilegod.com/joes/10image.jpg The four roasters on the east side of the office. http://www.chilegod.com/joes/11image.jpg Looking north up the 4 rows of habanero reds; I'm (my more photogenic side) trying to find a ripe one. http://www.chilegod.com/joes/03image.jpg Looking south down the 4 rows of habanero reds; Joe & Aurelia's home in the background; I'm still trying to find a ripe one. http://www.chilegod.com/joes/06image.jpg Joe giving me the 18 chiles I picked for free. http://www.chilegod.com/joes/05image.jpg Unripe habanero reds; Joe says they'll be ready to pick by Saturday 10/30/99. [All chiles are 25 cents/ pound: Surprise your trick or treaters on 10/30 & 10/31 nights!] http://www.chilegod.com/joes/12image.jpg http://www.chilegod.com/joes/13image.jpg Thanks, Joe!! Art