Re: [CH] V6 #86 Chipotle

Cameron Begg (
Wed, 27 Oct 1999 01:55:56 -0400

Hi C-H's,

Green56 asked:

>$19.99 a LB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>Am I crazy, or izz this REALLY steep?

Not a bad deal. They go for about US$30/lb in the spice catalogues. 
The reason is that it takes 10lbs of ripe red jalapeno peppers, and a 
lot of mesquite to make 1lb of chipotle. I have just made a few 
pounds myself and can tell you that it takes quite a bit of effort. 
(Fun however.)

I am sure the poor Mexicans who make them only get a few dollars a 
pound for them (if that!) but the price doubles every time they 
change hands in the US.

                      Regards,               Cameron.