[CH] Jim's smoked habs

marxman (marxman@skypro.be)
Wed, 3 Nov 1999 08:14:28 +0100

Hello gang...

    Was having a moment of lunacy at work (I tend the info area in a refugee camp in Belgium) and I
was being plagued by my teen-boy friends there, so I decided to do the "smoked hab powder challenge"
again... the usual yelps and dismay among the eastern-European boys, they just don't have the
resistance that I do, poor thangs... then a Bhutanese boy stepped up to see what was happening. I
let him try a bit, and he got all dreamy-eyed and said "Ah, wonderful"..... the other teens (about
twice his physical stature) stepped back in deep respect, and the last time I saw him, he was "boss
of the beach" as far as the rest were concerned. Score one for the pepper posse!


Diane in Flanders