Okay, first of all, thanks to everyone who helped me with Hunan Hand. :) I now know what was going on all those times I made dinner, and my hands split open and burned like petrol and a match. :) Second, as I just got engaged on Thursday {*GRIN*}, I've been trying to figure out what the heck to do for a wedding. Does anyone have any ideas for spicy buffet-type food? Not everything will be hot - I don't think the flower girls {two or three of my nieces - not sure which yet} would take well to habanero wedding cake even if I think it sounds good - but I'd like a few nice'n'spicy things for the big dinner buffet. Noodles in spicy peanut sauce comes to mind, but I'd like a few more things than just that. :) As I'm the biggest chile eater of the bunch {probably} vegetarian dishes are preferable, but I can convert meat-egg-dairy recipes with no problems. :) There's no hurry on things, as my fiance's in England and won't be here for at least a few months. {Additionally, I have no clue what goes on at a wedding, as when my friends played bride I wanted to be the monster who crashed the place. ;) What's even appropriate for a wedding buffet?} Any help/suggestions would be greatly appreciated. :) Sushi, still bouncing, and not *quite* wanting to set her guests on fire phoenix@ionet.net "The e-mail of the species is more deadly than the mail." ~~Stephen Fry