Hello, CHs. Tucked down at the bottom of page 32 of Discover magazine, Dec 99, is an article about the Ig Nobel winners: The Ig Nobel Prizes, for work that 'cannot or should not be reproduced' are awarded each year by the editors of the 'Annals of Improbable Research'. Paul Bosland of NM State got the Biology prize for breeding a spiceless Jalapeņo. Other prizes went to researchers who looked into the area of which type containers patients chose for collecting urine samples, and to a State for removing Darwin's theory from required curriculum. This is a much abbreviated version of the article; untrained typost, you know. Avowed or not, there must a chile-head on that staff that agrees with most of us. JC the Other "Too - oooooo - ooooooo many peppers," Tom croaked.