[CH] Peppered Vodka...

Dale G. Gutt (dale.gutt@sterling.com)
Wed, 08 Dec 1999 10:39:25 -0600

> Has anyone out there tried the Absolut Peppar (SP?) vodka? I haven't
> been able to find a nice small sized bottle to sample. 

I found a pint and half pint bottle at a local liquor store.  I have
one green serrano in the half pint bottle (blue label - 80 proof) and
I have one green and one red serrano in the pint bottle (red label - 100
proof).  They are three days in the making.  I plan to leave them in 
there for about a month and see what the results will be.

While we are on the subject, two questions for all of you:

1) I sliced the peppers on a bias, instead of cutting them into pieces.
   Is this correct for those of you that have tried this before?

2) The red serrano is floating, but the greens are still on the bottom.
   Is this normal or okay, or does it mean something is wrong?

Thanks advance,