Hello CHs- I wanted to pass along another Hunan Hand remedy I stumbled onto. Sorry if it's already been discussed on the List and I missed it. I discovered by accident (trying to clean up some greasy tools) that WD-40 almost obliterates Hunan Hand. I have occasionally used WD-40 as a hand cleaner after a greasy or oily job, but his time I had processed peppers for three hours the day before. While working on the tools, I was still having the regular hab-hybrid burn, which I really don't mind. After cleaning the grease off my hands with a thorough rubbing of WD-40, followed by a good soap & water wash, the Hunan Hand was gone except for a little lingering burn under the fingernails. The remedy even passed the eye rub test. Just another use for a versatile product. No affiliations, yaddaba yaddaba, just WISH I had some. Calvin