YKYACHI - You just got your official Chile-Head ID card in the mail today, such as I did. :-) These things are wonderful. I will carry it proudly, and flash it often. Thank you Tom, you are truly a Chile-man among men, and my wife will be loathing the day you were born when I start flashing this thing around. ;-) I think she was embarrassed enough last weekend. We were at a wedding in one of the Milwaukee Hilton ballrooms, and I accidentally left my pepper stash upstairs in the suite that the actual ceremony took place in. Fortunately for me, the server we had was able to get me bottle of Tabasco (any port in a storm, right?) from the kitchen. I was so relieved. Anyway, if you haven't gotten one of these cards yet, you really should consider it. They are very well done. You can contact Tom, with whom I have no affiliation aside from deep gratitude and profound respect, at the address above. Thank you, Erich Proud to be C-H # 2099