> From: "The Adair's" <adair@digisys.net> > > To all of those that expressed an interest in a page showing > how I grow chiles hydroponically, Still plowing thru the OG back issues, I found this in the Sep/Oct 1995 Almanac "It Was 50 Years Ago Today": Q: What information can you give me about raising vegetables by the Hydroponic method? A. Leave it severely alone. In the first place it is very complicated and expensive, requiring considerable equipment, including pump machinery and constant attention to the solutions. It is the most "chemicalized" method there is. If all our food was raised in this manner, I believe the race would die out in a few generations. Our resistance to disease would decrease to such an extent that some plague would play havoc with the population. In our opinion, the right way is in the good old soil. J. I. Rodale OG, Sep. 1945 I don't know if OG is still down on hydroponics, but the Sep/Oct 1995 issue had seven separate ads for hydroponic systems. Either way, I can see the movie of Tim's efforts to destroy us all... "Montana Tim and the Chile-Garden of Doom" Scott... coming soon to a post-apocalyptic theater near you... KCK