I just cook down the black eye peas with pork fat back, chiles, green peppers and red ones for flavor and seasonal colors, lotsa garlic, onion, and then go through the spice cabinet, taking a whiff here or there, throwing in whatever smells like it would work. Maybe Bay Leaves, basil, oregano, a touch of ground mustard or wasabi. If you have a ham bone, that works real well with the peas. Can be made meatless, too. Fresh tomatoes added for a sauce or steamed plain, whatever you like can work. I'd recommend buying the peas now, as I find they are always sold out a week and more before New Years. I got a frozen bag back in October. One year I got lucky and A&P had fresh pints. Those were so good and crispy when the clock struck 0000 that New Years. With added hot sauce, of course. Karen E. Stober