While doing Xmas shopping the other night I found 1 gallon glass jars at The 1/2 Price Store. $4.99, with glass lids and metal ring-hinge-thingies. They also come with rubber gaskets and instructions for using them for canning. I won't use them for canning, as I have seen too many canning sites advising against them, but they will/are being put to use as fermentation tanks for hot sauce. Currently brewing in one: 1 qt. dried Arledge Hot peppers 1 qt. (almost) Bulgarian Carrot peppers 1.75 bulbs garlic 3/4 cup canning salt vinegar to make 3/4 gallon total The Arledge Hots will give a strong, long-lasting total mouth heat, and the Bulgarian Carrots will add a nice tingle to the lips (at least, that's where it lingers for the wife and I). I had to lick the spoon to verify this (darn!). Scott... no sacrifice too great... KCK