RE: [CH] Afterglow

Pieters, Rob (
Tue, 1 Feb 2000 20:46:27 -0000

This is very interesting explanation, finally we have an excuse.
I will use this when I've again eaten to much from al those delicious hot
dishes... it's not longer my own fault.. its due to the chemistry of the
food that I can't stop. 
Hot regards
Rob NL

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Cameron Begg
> Subject: [CH] Afterglow
> "Studies on rats show that capsaicin injections, either into the 
> blood or directly into the small intestine, keep the creatures eating 
> for longer. What happens is that the chemical interferes with the 
> ability of nerves to send "fullness" messages to the brain when fats 
> and carbohydrates wash down from the stomach."
>                       Regards,               Cameron.