[CH] OT to some: Oasia.com FREE $26 to order something!! :o)

Fri, 11 Feb 2000 08:02:17 -0600

Here is $26 free to order some things from Oasia. They have chopsticks
starting at $1.99 for wood ones and on up in price for the nicer ones. I
know that someone has posted looking for chopsticks in the past. They have
spices, sauces, etc. from Asia. I am not sure when this offer expires, but I
just ordered something today, so I know it is working now. Saundra

> Go to: http://www.Oasia.com
> Register with the site and you get $8 to use just for registering.
> Use code: C2A which gives you another $18 to use for a total of $26!
> This amount can be used towards shipping. If you order less than $26 TOTAL
> you do not need a credit card. (See instructions in RED at the credit card
> portion of checkout)
> You have to be careful with your order becasue the shipping can get high.