[CH] Yarrowia lipolytica... (was: When is a Fermented...)

Kristofer Blennow (kristofer@blennow.se)
Sun, 13 Feb 2000 15:40:13 +0100

On 11 Feb 00, Cameron Begg wrote:

> Yarrowia lipolytica, tolerates at least 10% NaCl solution and is fed
> with raw shoyu and glucose to make Japanese soy sauce.

> However I think I remember that there are some species of Candida
> which can tolerated higher concentrations. The sauce (C.
> frutescens cv. 'Tabasco') I have been fermenting for ~18mo. has a
> very salty taste but is many times hotter than the commercial
> "Tabasco". It also has a pronounced fruity flavor. 

I made some web research and found that Yarrowia lipolytica produces 
citric acid from glucose (even from palm oil)...  maybe that accounts 
for the "fruity" taste of your Tabasco brew.


> Anyone know the genus and species of the yeast(s) that are used
> commercially?

Well, here is a load of sources...  no idea what it takes to use 




Kristofer Blennow   Non Sive Sive, Sed Et Et
Physical location: [close to] Stockholm, Sweden
WWW location:       http://www.blennow.se/