At 07:33 PM 2/19/00 -0500, Byron Bromley wrote: >A few months ago I posted some stuff about RuR >bt and Terminator Seeds. To the best of my knowledge there are some sweet >bells coming out this year in this dept. > >I know that the most of you might not be affected by following, yet, Is it >comming to the Home Garden??? > >~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ > >Monsanto Under Attack - Setbacks from Brazil, to Canada, to the U.K. Satansanto's new deal is to buy up water rights and water purifications companies, etc....they figure water and seeds go hand in hand, and Deamon Shapiro wants to control it all... I say burn 'em....burn 'em all... Peace, Hendrix, and Chiles....... Rael"...yeah, it's extreme, but some things just need killin'..."64 Rael64 Mississippi Redneck Cook Shackin' Up In Idaho, Baby... Monk of the TCS / Order of Immaculate Twister Keeper of the Faith and a Towel...