Re: [CH] The Chile Guy
Thu, 24 Feb 2000 20:40:29 EST

In a message dated 2/00 6:47:20 PM Eastern Standard Time, 

<< The Chile Guy is in New Mexico >>

He wholesales dried peppers and flakes.  It's marginally flaky that the best 
a list of ChileHeads can do is pin him down to one of the lower 48 states.  
If the ChileGuy won't sell to the "general public" (as if that's us, yuk, 
yuk), why bother telling us about his product at all?  "This stuff is the 
BEST, can't have any."  If the guy doesn't have an address closer 
than "New Mexico," even disgruntled postal workers can't find him.  But "I 
have had him send them to a customer of our hot sauce company and bill me.  Sh
e just gave me her credit card number and I ran it through the restaurant," 
strikes me as an odd way for a legitimate business "guy" to do his business.  
I'll stick with El Pueblito.  They don't ask me to give my credit card number 
to someone in a restaurant, they just sell me dried Chipotles at $4 bucks a 
pound.  And they're wonderful, if you don't mind the moths.